
Tescom 74-3800 Series

TESCOM™ 74-3800 Series ultra-high purity tied diaphragm pressure reducing regulator offers high flow and internally threadless and low internal volume design with Cv=0.5. The 74-3800 Series in available with 5 Ra or 10 Ra surface finishes. Inlet pressures are 600, 1000 or 3500 PSIG [41.3, 69, 241 bar] with outlet pressures up to 150 PSIG [10.3 bar]. Ideal for use in 1/2″ point-of-use, gas cabinets, high flow purging systems and semiconductor manufacturing.

Tescom 449-254 Series

TESCOM™ 449-254 Series high purity, high flow pressure reducing regulators is ideal for high pressure bulk specialty gas delivery systems (BSGS). The 449-254 Series offers a Cv=1.0, surface finish of 10 Ra and is available with Hastelloy® trim. Inlet pressure is 1500 PSIG [103 bar] with outlet pressures up to 400 PSIG [28 bar].

Tescom ACS012 Series

TESCOM™ ACS012 Series is a compact, lightweight high purity changeover system for specialty, corrosive, and pyrophoric gases. Diffusion-resistant metal diaphragm seal ensures gas purity and integrity. Provides continuous low flow of gas from two pressure sources. Ideal for use in analyzer carrier gas, CO2 for tissue and cell culture incubators and laser resonator gas applications.

Tescom ACS3200 Series

TESCOM™ ACS3200 Series is a compact, lightweight high purity, high flow changeover system for specialty, corrosive, and pyrophoric gases. Diffusion-resistant metal diaphragm seal ensures gas purity and integrity. Provides continuous low flow of gas from two pressure sources. Ideal for use in CO2 for tissue and cell culture incubators supply, and shielding and laser assist gases in metal fabrication.

Tescom CR441800 Series

TESCOM™ CR441800 Series is a compact high pressure changeover system for general purpose and industrial gases.  Provides continuous low gas flow from two pressure sources. Ideal for use in analyzer carrier gas and laser resonator gas applications.

Tescom CS-2200 Series

TESCOM™ CS-2200 Series is a complete high purity changeover system which includes a line regulator for specialty, corrosive, and pyrophoric gases. Diffusion-resistant metal diaphragm seal ensures gas purity and integrity. Provides continuous low gas flow from two pressure sources. Ideal for use in analyzer carrier gas, CO2 for tissue and cell culture incubators, and laser resonator gas applications.

Zürcher BS-Series

Tank blanketing, or padding, is the process and practice of covering a stored commodity, usually a liquid, with a gas. It is the best prevention of and protection against explosions.

Zürcher BR Series – PVDF

Tank blanketing, or padding, is the process and practice of covering a stored commodity, usually a liquid, with a gas. It is the best prevention of and protection against explosions.

Zürcher MR Series – PVDF

Regulators for medium pressures up to 16 bar. 3 designs available: Standard-, Clean-, Chemical design. The high demands and needs by the chemical-pharmaceutical industry have led to develop precise and corrosion resistant pressure regulators such as the chemical design PVDF regulator.

Tescom 26-2900 Series

TESCOM™ 26-2900 Series is a dome load negative bias backpressure tracking regulator with a balanced main valve. Controls upstream pressures to 1000 PSIG [69 bar] with spring bias setting. Ideal for use in constant bias applications like offshore diving, dumping exhaled breath from pressure chamber (BIBS) or diving bell.