ADCA BKV Low pressure blanketing venting Regulator DN25


Tank blanketing valves are commonly used in tank storage systems to prevent and protect against explosions (avoiding flammable liquids being vented from vessel), to control product contamination against external air that may fill the vapour space, to reduce evaporation losses (consequently product losses), to reduce internal corrosion (caused by air and moisture) and to prevent vacuum condition.
The blanketing process consist in covering the stored medium , usually a liquid, with a gas (normally N2).

Main features

  • Compact design.
  • Completely machined from barstock material, no castings or forgings are used on the standard version.
  • No rising stem.

Standard surface finish

  • Internal wetted parts: 0,5 microns Ra
  • External: Body and cover– Fine machined (mechanical or electro polished as option)